It's come to my attention recently that there is a competition via the blog ArtOrder for some twisted concept art. Based on what I take as a post apocalyptic setting, in which denizens of today are not your average denizens of tomorrow.
I'm feeling African inspired for this piece, having in mind a pleasant and cultural rich blend of African Wild Dogs, Nikisi (African Power Figures aka Fetishes), and a regal and commanding warrior like energy reminiscent of the late Shaka Zulu. I've already done a little bit of research into the above mentioned things and have pulled some wonderful references with which to help me found my imaginings.
Having recently studied Non Western art in History class I have a platform into African Culture that has had me thinking about how to best portray my new mutation. Most African art depicts females in a strong support role to their counterparts. I would like to emphasize this in my piece to be, but am hesitant about doing so since it wasn't specified as to how many of these creatures we should include in the single image.
I am also fond of depicting two because African Culture has some similarities and differences between male and females, such as markings and apparel. In some tribes both men and women are adorned with scarification patterns, and both can hold positions of command. And in thinking of the Wild Dogs they are pack oriented and work together for survival, a combination of male and female warriors, companions, and nurturers.
So ideally I would like to depict a male and a female. I've been tinkering around with possible compositions on the train, as well as anatomy and what I like to call 'stuff'. 'Stuff' being clothes, ornamentation, markings, weapons, ect.
Despite my workload this seems right up my alley and is a nice break away from more focused projects that school has me working on, like food illustration (which I loathe with every fiber of my being). I plan to document the process of this piece and am looking forward to adding it to this blog as my first art post.
One Final thought of today"
My classmate Ross and I were talking about our portfolio presentations in class and what conceptualizing art means to us. I do a bit of writing and Ross asked if I planned to include it in my portfolio. While my teachers are encouraging of this I wonder what effect it will have overall, since I would like my art to stand alone. So....I think that all the writing that accompanies my sketches in the process of becoming a final piece will be the basis for this blog.
A diary of sorts as to what goes on in my mind when I am working on projects. Cheers to me if all goes well.