To contact Kat drop her a line at

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sweet Sweet Graduation marks the very last day of my school tenure. No more waking up early to catch the train into Chicago, walking through snowy streets on days when most businesses and schools have been given a snow day (God bless the Academy, they don't believe in snow days). No more lugging a portfolio up six flights of stairs.

I'll miss some things, and some days I'll miss everything about the Academy, but it's time to go on to new things. Up next? Well, another commission from Hero Games for more character designs, a GM screen for Dungeons and Dragons campaign run by Game Base 7, a possible magazine cover....I guess things aren't so bad testing the waters of adulthood.

Chicago Comic Con (aka Wizard World Chicago) is taking place this weekend but with school at an end, and two main conventions under my belt.......I am too broke and tired to go to this con.

1 comment:

Lucas Durham said...

Going to miss seeing you at the Academy, but I'm glad to see you're off to an awesome start on your dream career path (p.s. keep me in mind for referrals, lol). Anyway we need keep in touch better. Hope I can see you before I leave the country